Hi, so you'd like to get to know me better? Well the best way is to read my blog, I do my very best to be honest and open about the good, the bad, and the ugly. I am not perfect, and I don't want to hide that. Who wants to read the blog of someone who is perfect anyway? That'd be quite boring and discouraging.
So who am I?
I'm a young woman who has dedicated her life to God. As I said above, I am not perfect, but I do my very best to live according to God's word, striving to honor and please Him. I am the oldest child of the 7 in my family. My mother is an amazing woman who raised us all in God's word, and I'm honored to be her daughter. My childhood was such a precious time for me. I learned so many values that I hope to pass on to my own children. If I can be half the mother that my Mom was for me I'll be happy.
Five years ago I joined my life to the man God had made just for me, my wonderful husband. We've had many ups and downs, but God has helped us through it all and I know with His help we'll make it to the end. May of 2010 we welcomed our firstborn, our son Oliver Sebastian, into our lives. He's such a joy to us, even in the difficult times (he's well into the toddler phase... anyone have extra patience to give me?). On December 25th, 2011, we welcomed our daughter into our family. Wynter Olivia is so precious to us. We feel blessed beyond measure to have such beautiful, wonderful children.