Oliver ran into his room, playing, and ran straight into the corner of his changing table. Of course it hurt and he started crying so I went to comfort him and right as I reached him I heard this kind of rattling sound... there's a million things it could have been but my mind went straight to "Rattle snake! Get out now!" so I grabbed Oliver and ran out of his room.
I didn't know how I was going to check this out and make sure there wasn't one, or if there was one how do I find out and then what do I do? So I texted Andrew, and I e-mailed him, but Oliver really wanted to play in his room so I finally came up with an idea...
How I check for rattle snakes. |
Protected by snow boots (not sure how much they actually would have protected me), and armed with the broom, I went and peeked, and poked and searched, and listened until I was 100% sure that there was NOT a rattle snake in his room. I probably looked ridiculous, but what if there had been a snake and I'd not been safe about checking or hadn't checked at all? I'll take being ridiculous over being sorry any day.
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