I've been increasingly into photography as of late. I'm self-taught, and still learning so much, but I like to think I'm able to at least capturing some pretty good shots of my own kids. What I love best about photography is being able to capture magical, every day, moments with clarity and the beauty that I can see with my own eyes.
I've shared this picture before, but it's such a good example of what I'm talking about! The moment lasted mere seconds, and I'm so thankful I was able to capture it. The lighting is wonderful, Oliver's expression, the placement of his hands, everything about this photo is magical to me. Of course, that could be just because I'm his mom, but I like to think it's a good photograph too.
This is another great example. This photograph is taken in our tiny back yard, and Oliver is splashing in the little plastic kiddie pool. I snapped hundreds of photos while the kids played in the water, and one of them happened to be the above photograph. Look at the joy on his face! Again, it was a split second moment, and I cannot believe I captured it. This is a photo that I'll treasure all my life.
Wynter is saying bye in this photo, right before she started running off and I had to chase after her. I just love this photograph of her, it shows all her character and personality.
And this is the last one, I promise. She's so messy, and sticky, and adorable in this photo! I love the way she'd glanced at me right as I took the photo. These moments, these every day, ordinary moments are the ones I treasure most. Sure, I appreciate the occasional posed photo (especially family ones), but the posed ones are just that, posed. Life passes so quickly, especially the early childhood years as they learn so much so quickly, and it's the every day moments that are so special and so fleeting that I crave capturing them in all their wonder.
Someday, I want to offer the same to other people. I hope to offer photo shoots to families that capture their unique ordinary life, in their own home, at a park, wherever they live life. This is my dream, and I believe that slowly it is coming to fruition. I still have much to learn, and need lots more practice, and for now I'm happy to dream and wait, and glean practice in whatever way I can.
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