God will not give me more than He can handle.
I remember my pregnancy with Oliver. I was tired all the time. I had morning sickness the first trimester, but it wasn't terrible. I remember thinking that morning sickness puking and being sick puking were vastly different. The morning sickness was just a nuisance that I wanted to get over first thing in the morning and then move on with my day. After the first trimester I only got sick a few times. I remember thinking that I had an easy pregnancy, it was, at least, easier than I had expected it to be.
Then he was born, and while many people exclaimed that I had such an easy baby, and I tended to agree with them, there were many moments that were not easy at all. I remember that I struggled to keep the house clean, and food made. I was still tired all the time, even if all we did was sit around all day together. Focusing on another's needs 24/7 is exhausting.
Life got a little easier around the time he turned 1, but we were already pregnant with Wynter by then. The exhaustion of early pregnancy set in again, the morning sickness with Wynter was much more like all day nausea. Yet, I felt more energetic and on top of things than I had while pregnant with Oliver. The end of that second pregnancy got bad as I developed Symphysis Pubic Dysfunction and it hurt to stand, move certain ways, or even walk sometimes. Not just hurt, but pain to the point of my knees buckling under me. I also began to fear that Oliver would feel unloved once my attention had to be split between 2 children, especially since he wasn't talking at this point and we weren't sure how much he understood what we said.
When Wynter was born... well, an amazing thing happened. God gave me extra love, extra strength, extra everything I needed to faithfully serve him by tending to these two wonderful children. I definitely still struggle most days to find the energy and patience to deal with life, but I can end a day having done nothing but feed my children and play with them and I know I've pleased God.
God has increased my strength even as life has gotten more complicated with Oliver's diagnosis. He's increased patience, understanding, grace, strength, and anything I need in order to serve my family. He's given me wisdom to make choices, and to seek help when needed. He's not failed me in this yet, and I know He never will.
Someday, not now, but someday soon we want more children. I can't wait! I don't fear that I won't have enough to give because I've seen how God gives more to me so that I can give more to my children. God has not failed me yet, and I know He won't fail me ever. When our family multiplies God will not fail to give me everything I need to give to my family, even if some days that is nothing more than my attention and love.
Great post! I totally agree about some days only giving food, attention and love and calling it a day... Maybe a load of laundry, too, for good measure lol...
ReplyDeleteI cannot wait until the day when I can just throw in a load of laundry! Right now we have an apartment laundry center, and while it's close to our apartment, it's too difficult to lug a load of laundry while wrangling two kids along with me to go put it in the wash, and then the dryer, and then bring it back to the house. Our next place is going to have a washer and dryer in our apartment, it's a necessity.