Sunday, May 13, 2012

Dear Mom,

In honor of Mother's Day I really want you to know how much I appreciate you.  Growing up, and I think most kids do this, we think of all the ways our parents could do things better.  We fight against the boundaries that you put up, and find ways to sneak behind your back to do those things you've told us not to do.  We think you are just being controlling or mean, but you are trying to protect us and teach us.  We don't see that as kids.  Even into adulthood, we don't really appreciate all the work you've put into raising us.

Now that I am a mother myself I am beginning to understand these things, and I think fully appreciate you as my mother.  I think there are many kids who grow up and decide they want to be a much different kind of parent than their own parents were, but when it comes to you and the choices you made in raising me, I would be honored to be as good of a parent as you have been for me.

I appreciate that you gave me freedom to make my own way in life, yet also gave me boundaries to guide me and help me in making those choices.

I appreciate that you taught me to love God both in your words and your actions.

I appreciate that you taught me how to clean, sew, bake, cook, care for children, and so many other things that I am utilizing every day.

I appreciate that you taught me that there are consequences when rules are broken, and that sometimes we need to follow a rule even if we don't like it.

You taught me to be selfless, kind, grateful, patient, and loving.

You taught me how to be a Godly woman, and mother.

I know now that everything you did was your best attempt at raising me to be those things, and your best was amazing.  I've been so blessed to have you as my mother.

I love you Mom!

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