Saturday, May 18, 2013

Books, books, and more books!

There are some really great books about parenting and motherhood, about being a wife, and about being a woman of God, for $5.00 or less on Amazon Kindle today.  I've read a few of them, and own most of them now (I bought 5 of these today).

I don't ever do posts like this because this blog is more about my family, and there are plenty of other sites dedicated to letting others know about these deals, but there are so many good ones today that I just have to share!  And just so you know, I get nothing from sharing these links.

1. A Mom After God's Own Heart by Elizabeth George  $1.99
2. Don't Make Me Count to Three by Ginger Plowman  $1.99
3. Feminine Appeal by Carolyn Mahaney  $3.99
4. Beyond Bath Time: Embracing Motherhood as a Sacred Role by Erin Davis  $1.99
5. Comforts from Romans: Celebrating the Gospel One Day at a Time by Elyse Fitzpatrick  $3.99
6. Disciplines of a Godly Woman by Barbara Hughes  $4.99
7. God, Marriage, and Family by Andreas J. Kostenberger  $4.61
8. Hope for the Weary Mom: Where God Meets You in Your Mess by Brooke McGlothlin and Stacy Thacker  $4.99

And I want to just highlight two others that are $6.00 each, about motherhood, written by one of my favorite authors:

Fit to Burst: Abundance, Mayhem, and the Joys of Motherhood by Rachel Jankovic
Loving the Little Years by Rachel Jankovic

I also want to remind you that if you can download a Kindle app for your iPhone, or a Kindle reader on your computer for free.  You don't have to own a Kindle to take advantage of this!

(I totally sound like a commercial, I know, but seriously, these are good books by great authors and the prices are pretty much amazing!)

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