Friday, December 2, 2011

Struggling with trust

Wynter is going to come soon.  Her due date is Christmas Day, but I think she'll come before then.  Her arrival is not in my control, no matter what I do, it is all God.  I know that.  I'm trying to accept that.

Right now I think that if she comes any day it won't be good timing for us financially.  Andrew gets a week off from December 25th (plus the Friday and Saturday before) to January 1st, unpaid.  We've already planned for this.  What we didn't plan for was any extra time he might take off if Wynter is early or late.  So I worry that one or the other will happen and we'll struggle financially and it will be a stressful time instead of a joyful time.  I also worry that in order to avoid the financial struggle Andrew won't take any time off, which would be difficult on both of us emotionally.  So I try to remind myself that whatever God's timing is, it will be perfect... but I don't really believe that.  I am trying so hard, because I know it is the truth, but the part of me that worries and plans and needs to be in control keeps telling me that my timing is better than God's.

I know there are other areas of my life in which I have done this before, or still do it.  It's arrogant, and sinful, to think that I know better than God.  I mean, He is GOD!  His plan is perfect, even when it doesn't line up with what we think is perfect, God's plan is always perfect.  I think I'm afraid to trust Him with the timing of Wynter's birth.  I need to remember that God is the one who formed Wynter inside me.  He knows every breath that she will take, every movement she will make, every thought she will have.  Even bigger than that He created this world and me and you, placed every molecule where it should be, designed everything perfectly according to His PLAN.  I need to rest in the knowledge that God will bring Wynter into this world when it is time, and not a moment too soon or too late.  And He will take care of the rest too, I need to rest in the knowledge that He sees us not as pawns that He just moves around at a whim, but as precious children who He will take care of... this alone will give me peace, is giving me peace as I write this.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart
And do not lean on your own understanding.  
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He will make your paths straight. 
Proverbs 3:5-6

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